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After completing my PhD, I became a full-time academic coach at a medical school that places more medical school graduates into 1st year residency programs in the United States than any other medical school in the world. I now want to use what I learned there to help middle school, high school, and college students reach their full academic potential. 


How is academic coaching different than tutoring?

Tutors help students accomplish narrow learning objectives from course content. Academic coaches give students the skills and knowledge they need to take learning into their own hands. Academic coaches help students to identify and apply effective learning strategies so they can succeed in any learning environment and take on increasingly challenging academic goals.

Who typically uses academic coaches?

Students in high-rigor academic programs such as medicine and engineering typically utilize academic coaches to optimize their learning and gain a competitive advantage for the next stage of their careers, e.g., residency placement. Almost all medical schools in the US have full-time academic coaches on staff. Increasingly, academic coaching is being utilized by middle school and high school students to instill solid learning habits and gain a competitive advantage for college admissions and beyond. 

Will academic coaching be able to reduce or eliminate reliance on tutors?

Possibly. Students who are committed to an academic coaching program with a competent academic coach will gain the skills and knowledge they need to learn in any environment. They'll learn to more accurately assess their own level of knowledge and learning and therefore better recognize when and where they might need additional help before poor performance on testing.

What services are provided?
  • Regular one-on-one counseling related to learning habits and strategies, time management, and performance

  • Performance tracking and reporting

  • Detailed reports of your child's performance and growth to make sure they are on track to reaching their academic goals

  • Outreach to schools, teachers, and administrators to coordinate efforts and align goals

  • College and career counseling and application assistance

  • Virtual and in-person sessions available



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